
The DH2017 banquet will take place on Friday 11 August at 7.30pm at the Club St. James (1145 Avenue Union, Montréal, about 10′ walk from the Centre Mont-Royal where the final plenary lecture will conclude at 7pm that day).


1er service :
Melon d’eau et betteraves, salade roquette, fromage féta et crouton à l’huile d’olive.

2e service :
Filet de veau au rub de café rôti, jus réduit au Marsala, gratin de céleri et courge musqué.
Ragoût de légumes secs à l’orientale (Étuvée de poireaux au macis, épinards, velouté de poivrons jaunes, maïs et vermouth)

3e service :
Gratin de petits fruits au Sortilège

It has come to the local organizers’ attention that the dress code for the banquet has caused some confusion and consternation. We would like to sincerely apologize about this, we recognize that we could have done a much better job of anticipating and addressing in advance important issues raised by the language used by the dress code. In the heat of conference preparations and with very limited options for venues in downtown Montreal able to accommodate 200+ guests for a delicious dinner, we let slip by some unfortunate assumptions and constraints.

After hearing from several of you by email and on social media, we made urgent contact with the St. James Club (they are officially closed until the end of next week) and we have some clarifications and concessions to share with you. It’s worth noting that the St. James is a chic and private club that will remain open to its regular members during the banquet, and we generally wish to respect their house guidelines. They are much more accustomed to an affluent business clientele, but we’ve better explained to them our diverse international and academic demographic, and they’ve assured us that they will be more relaxed than usual. A member of the Local Organizer team will be at the door to greet you and help address any issues that may arise.

After consultation with them, the priority seems to be that guests “dress up” (pants, blouse, dress shirt, dress, etc.), but not too formally (evening gowns, ties, suit coats). They request that guests avoid light-coloured denim, t-shirts, shorts, sports shoes and flip-flops. They have said that sports jackets are not mandatory and they also recognize that business attire in an international context can include other things not mentioned here. In addition, further reasonable accommodations will be made as needed (footwear based on medical circumstances, for instance). The banquet room will be fully accessible, including an elevator to the second floor for those who need it.

We would like to thank many of you for your feedback in helping us get closer to ADHO’s conference code of conduct, which supports a ‘diverse, welcoming, and inclusive global community of digital humanities scholars and practitioners, and is therefore dedicated to the creation of a safe, respectful, and collegial conference experience for all attendees.